Donald Trump Blames “Crazy” Fed for Market Plunging 800 Points

You have to feel for the guy.

Longest bull run in the history of the stock market, congratulations America!” “Stock market hit all time high on Friday. Congratulations U.S.A.!” “70 Record Closes for the Dow so far this year! We have NEVER had 70 Dow Records in a one year period. Wow!” “The Fake News Media barely mentions the fact that the Stock Market just hit another New Record and that business in the U.S. is booming . . . but the people know!” “The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me!” These are but a sampling of the things Donald Trump has said about the stock market over the past 21 months, patting himself on the back for gains on a near-daily basis, something presidents have historically never done, because all the ones up until 45 understood that if you take credit on the way up, you have to take the blame for the inevitable drops. That’s what a normal person that doesn’t suffer from narcissistic personality disorder would do, at least. But Donald Trump is no such person, which is why on Wednesday, when the stock market fell off a cliff…

…he naturally looked outside of himself to pin the blame, and found it in his handpicked Fed Chair, Jerome Powell:

Donald Trump slammed the Federal Reserve as “crazy” for its interest-rate increases this year in comments hours after the worst U.S. stock market sell-off since February.

“The Fed is making a mistake,” he told reporters on Wednesday as he arrived in Pennsylvania for a campaign rally. “They’re so tight. I think the Fed has gone crazy.”

Weirdly, in all the talk of things that are “crazy,” President Buy and Sell said nothing about his self-defeating trade war with China, which many on Wall Street actually believe caused the worst market sell-off since February:

Trump’s latest attack on the U.S. central bank appeared to blame the Federal Reserve for a stock rout that market analysts mostly attributed to fresh concern about his trade war with China. Trump has been publicly criticizing the Fed since July for interest-rate increases and declared he was “not happy” in September when the central bank raised rates for the third time this year.

At the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders stuck to the message that “the fundamentals and future of the U.S. economy remain incredibly strong” all thanks to Donald Trump who, by the by, also told reporters that he thought the sell-off was “good” and “actually [the] correction that we’ve been waiting for for a long time. But I really disagree with what the Fed is doing.”

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Nearly half of voters aren’t fussed about seeing Trump’s tax returns

See if you can guess which half:

Forty-eight percent of respondents said they cared about Trump not releasing his returns, while 43 percent said they didn’t care. Meanwhile, 64 percent said they had seen, read, or heard “a lot” or “some” about the New York Times report that he received hundreds of millions from his father’s real-estate empire, much of it through what the paper termed “tax dodges,“ while 36 percent said they heard “not much” or “nothing at all.”

Responses to the returns question broke sharply along partisan lines, with 76 percent of Democrats saying they cared about his refusal, compared to 18 percent of Republicans. Among independents, 50 percent said they cared, 40 percent didn’t, and the rest were undecided.

Unfortunately for the 48 percent, the White House has said that Trump has no plans to release his tax returns, despite promising repeatedly on the campaign trail to do so.

Trump’s new E.P.A. chief is ticking all the boxes

Not only is Andrew Wheeler diligently doing his part to hasten the demise of the planet, but he apparently dabbles in racist commentary, right-wing conspiracies, and victim-blaming, too! Per HuffPost:

Andrew Wheeler, the acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, repeatedly engaged with inflammatory content on his personal Facebook and Twitter accounts over the past five years, including some in the past month.

The previously unreported interactions include liking a racist image of former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Facebook and re-tweeting an infamous “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist . . . Last month, Wheeler liked right-wing documentary filmmaker and former convict Dinesh D’Souza’s tweet casting doubt over __Christine Blasey Ford’s __sexual assault accusations against newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

In an e-mail to HuffPost, Wheeler said: “Over the years, I have been a prolific social-media user and liked and inadvertently liked countless social-media posts,” Wheeler said. “Specifically, I do not remember the post depicting President Obama and the First Lady. As for some of the other posts, I agreed with the content and was unaware of the sources.”


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Credit:Vanity Fair


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