The Bachelor and the Kardashians Are Now at War

By Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images.

Well, that escalated quickly. Last week, Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss made a fascinating, if extremely improbable statement on Twitter. Khloé Kardashian, the producer said, “is very much in contention” to be the next Bachelorette—so “stay tuned.” (Sorry, Caelynn.)

From the jump, his claim seemed suspicious—but Fleiss stuck to his guns, adding, “I have already been in contact with my dear friend [Kris Jenner] about [Khloe Kardashian] as #TheBachelorette . Stay tuned!!!”

The problem? Multiple members of the Kardashian clan have refuted this idea—including Khloé herself, who has now threatened legal action. It appears she will not be accepting this rose any time soon.

Khloé has had a rough week; last Tuesday, news broke that Tristan Thompson, Khloé’s boyfriend, the father of her child, and noted cheater, was allegedly having an affair with Jordyn Woods—one of Khloé’s sister Kylie Jenner’s best friends. Since then, a Greek tragedy’s worth of drama has unfolded—apparently was ripe to be capitalized on by the Bachelor-verse.

It’s hard to count the number of reasons a Kardashian Bachelorette season sounded shady from the start—from security concerns to the family’s involvement with E!, which would ostensibly make it difficult to jump ship to another network. Yet Fleiss has continued to lob increasingly salty tweets the Kardashians’ way as the family continues to bat away his claims. Kim Kardashian West was actually the first to call shenanigans, tweeting, “Fake fucking news big time!!!!” Soon after, she shared a screenshot of a group text with Khloé and Kris. When asked whether there was truth to the rumor, Kris replied with a devastatingly succinct “No lol.” Added Khloé, “Ewwww I mean put some respeck on my name.”

One would think at this point that Fleiss would give in—but instead, like any tragic hero, he doubled down, retweeting Kim with the comment, “She’s out of the loop on this one…” And his next tweet? Well. . .

Fleiss claimed that due to the show’s “strict confidentiality agreements,” Kim would not have known about Khloé’s potential involvement. “As @KimKardashian is obviously aware, this is all about timing for @khloekardashian !” he wrote. “She’s been through a lot. Ts and Ps from all of #BachelorNation !” (For those wondering about that last bit, that would mean “thoughts and prayers.”)

It was at this point that Khloé had clearly had enough. “I’m not fucking clickbait right now,” she fired back. “Stop or you will be hearing from my lawyers. How insensitive!!”

Once again—one would think that this would have been an opportunity to back off. But Fleiss evidently has no interest in doing that. Instead, he retweeted Khloé, writing, “This is about helping people find true love— nothing more!!!” He has, since then, been. . . let’s just call it persistent.

When will this end? Given the dramatic chops of everyone involved, it’s impossible to say. But we do know this: whenever this ordeal makes it onto Keeping Up with the Kardashians, it will surely be the most. dramatic. season. ever.

When reached for comment last week, a representative for ABC said the network does not comment on Bachelor franchise casting or speculation. A source close close to the show said no decisions have been made with regard to casting. Representatives for Kardashian did not respond to V.F.’s request for comment.

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This story was originally published by Vanity Fair


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